So far, Chapman Services Group has talked about introductory cover letters, thank you letters and targeted cover letters so which one would you use when forwarding your resume portfolio to a recruiter? The answer is easy! You want a recruiter letter. It is not absolutely necessary because truly, you could use your targeted cover letter but let’s talk about how different a recruiter letter really is.

A cover letter you send to a recruiter is really quite different from a cover letter that you could send to a potential employer. There are crucial elements that are needed in a recruiter letter that you wouldn’t necessarily have in another type of cover letter, that include:

  • Current & correct contact information
  • Reasons for leaving your last position
  • Positions and industries that interest you most
  • Salary history and the salary level you expect from a new position
  • Relocation and travel abilities

Adding all of this to your recruiter letter is critical because its information that a recruiter needs before they can enter you into their databases and it saves them time having to ask you.

Recruiter letters should also be as short as possible because recruiters don’t have time for lengthy cover letters, so keep it brief and use bullet points to emphasize your most important professional skills- remember, these are your selling points!

Lastly, find out what type of format a recruiter prefers before sending out your portfolio and of course if you would rather hand this over to a professional resume writer, Chapman Services Group understands and would be happy to consult with you – so contact us today!