Chapman Services Group LLC

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What to Do When You Have Been Fired and You Are Looking for Another Job

It can be shocking and devastating when you get fired. Don’t lose hope or confidence! You are valuable and another employer is looking for someone just like you. You want to start looking right away, no matter how discouraged you might feel. Having an organized plan in place will help ensure you find the right [...]

By | December 1st, 2016|Blog, Career Coaching, Career Development, Interviewing, Job Search|Comments Off on What to Do When You Have Been Fired and You Are Looking for Another Job

What Keywords Should I Be Using in My Job Search

I know you may be thinking that keywords are just for optimizing a website. But I am here to tell you that they can be a valuable resource for job searching. They can be an effective way to refine your job search and find more targeted leads. They should be included both in your online [...]

By | November 28th, 2016|Blog, Career Coaching, Career Development, Job Search|Comments Off on What Keywords Should I Be Using in My Job Search

Tips for Changing Your Career to a New Industry

Whether you are looking for a change or are in an industry that is not doing well, moving to a new industry can be just what you need. This can give your career just the boost it needs and make your career flourish even more. Your cover letter and resume should demonstrate the skills that [...]

By | November 23rd, 2016|Blog, Career Coaching, Career Development, Job Search, LinkedIn, Networking|Comments Off on Tips for Changing Your Career to a New Industry

Mistakes You’re Making in Your Job Search Documents

It is important to be checking your emails as you are searching for a new job. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of checking your emails for spelling and grammar. That will get your resume passed over in an instant. If you feel like you have been staring at your email or resume too long, [...]

By | November 21st, 2016|Blog, Cover Letters & Thank You Letters, Job Search, Resumes|Comments Off on Mistakes You’re Making in Your Job Search Documents

How to Survive a Layoff and Get Back on Your Feet

Going through a layoff can be challenging. It can be an emotional time for you and you may feel like you are in a bit of daze. But you will recover from it and move on to bigger and better things. Here are some tips to get your through it and back on your feet. [...]

By | November 18th, 2016|Blog, Career Coaching, Career Development, Interviewing, Job Search, LinkedIn, Networking|Comments Off on How to Survive a Layoff and Get Back on Your Feet

7 Steps to a Successful Remote Job Search

Searching for a job can be a daunting task as it is, but looking for a job across the country can be even more challenging. Here are seven tips to ensure you have a successful remote job search: It is important to choose the place(s) you want to move to, so you can target your [...]

By | November 15th, 2016|Blog, Interviewing, Job Search|Comments Off on 7 Steps to a Successful Remote Job Search

6 Ways to Stay in Touch with Your Network

Having a network is a valuable resource. It takes time to build up a valuable database of contacts. They must be nurtured and cultivated. Here are six ways you can stay in contact with them: Because you have worked so hard to build up these contacts over the years, you do not want to lose [...]

By | November 10th, 2016|Blog, Career Coaching, Career Development, Job Search, Networking|Comments Off on 6 Ways to Stay in Touch with Your Network

How to Conduct an Effective Summer Job Search

During the summer months is when many employees take vacations. This may discourage job seekers from submitting resumes and looking for a new job. But don’t lose hope. Many recruiters take this time to gear up for the fall and search for quality employees. Since less people search for new career opportunities during the summer [...]

By | June 2nd, 2016|Blog, Job Search|Comments Off on How to Conduct an Effective Summer Job Search

How to Move Up the Corporate Ladder with the Right Resume

You have been working in your position and company for quite a while and you feel it is time to move up the corporate ladder. It probably has been a long time since you looked at your resume and you know it needs some work. So here is how to fix your resume to get [...]

By | May 3rd, 2016|Blog, Career Development, Resumes|Comments Off on How to Move Up the Corporate Ladder with the Right Resume

10 Tips for Having Targeted Employers in Your Job Search

When you are looking for a company to start or change your career, you want to choose wisely. You want to find an employer that is a good fit for you. Below are ten tips to identifying targeted employers in your job search: Choose geographic locations where you want to work. Do you want to [...]

By | April 15th, 2016|Blog, Job Search|Comments Off on 10 Tips for Having Targeted Employers in Your Job Search