hiring process

/Tag:hiring process

How to Make a Video Interview Successful

With all the technology offered today, it is becoming more common to have a video interview as part of the hiring process. These interviews can take place in the potential employer’s office with another employee in another location or they can be done from the comfort of your home. Since this interviewing method is fairly [...]

By | June 12th, 2018|Blog, Interviewing|Comments Off on How to Make a Video Interview Successful

6 Tips to Make Your Interview a Positive Experience

You can enhance the interview process by keeping a few things in mind. This is an experience that should show you in a positive light. Remember these key things and you should do well. Manners - Everyone you meet at the company is potentially assessing you, so be polite and courteous to each and every [...]

By | July 14th, 2015|Blog, Interviewing, Job Search|Comments Off on 6 Tips to Make Your Interview a Positive Experience