

What Job Seekers Should Know about Recruiters At some point in your job search, you may encounter a recruiter who is searching for the perfect candidate to fill a job order. If you’ve never worked with one before, it can be helpful to understand more about how recruiters work. There are two types of recruiters: contingency and retained. Contingency [...]

By | July 22nd, 2014|Blog, Job Search|Comments Off on What Job Seekers Should Know about Recruiters

Real or fake job listing – that is the question….

Competition in the careers industry is fierce on all sides – from the job seeker’s perspective and from the hiring manager’s standpoint. So what’s a company to do when they hear that their competitor is hiring for positions they may need to fill in the near future? Some may create a job opening that doesn’t [...]

By | November 12th, 2013|Blog, Job Search|Comments Off on Real or fake job listing – that is the question….