

Don’t Be Fooled By The “Bait-and-Switch” Job Offer

Some job seekers are being targeted with “bait-and-switch” scams because they’re not sophisticated in discerning what’s a legitimate job opportunity or not. Scammers are putting together job postings that look like they’re from real companies. They might even use the real company’s name and logo, but the e-mail address it originates from shows a Yahoo! [...]

By | March 4th, 2014|Blog, Job Search|Comments Off on Don’t Be Fooled By The “Bait-and-Switch” Job Offer

Avoid Being Scammed During Job Search

Did you know a job search puts you at a higher risk of getting ripped off, scammed, suckered, or “phished”? (“Phishing” is the term for fraudulent — but official-looking — emails that attempt to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and financial details.) photo courtesy of Online security firms report there has [...]

By | February 26th, 2014|Blog, Job Search|Comments Off on Avoid Being Scammed During Job Search