I know you may be thinking that hashtags have no place in your job search, but they can actually help you. As an example, when you put hashtags in LinkedIn, they can be searched. Hashtags can also be searched on Twitter. You can use hashtags such as #jobsearch or use one that is a position you are looking for such as #dataanalyst. You can also tweet about skills you have by using hashtags. Other examples are #seekingemployment or #MBA.

Also, you can search for jobs on Twitter by searching hashtags. Employers post on their Twitter profile advertising jobs and you can search for positions that way.

Hashtags can also be used for job search tips, career advice, and even finding resources for expanding your skills. A great resource for finding popular hashtags to use is Hashtagify.me. This is free and can show you what are the most popular for job seekers.

Here are some suggested hashtags for you to begin your job search on social media:

Now that you have a little background on hashtags and what they are all about, we’ll go over the goal in using hashtags in your job search. Hashtags allow you to connect with potential employers and the jobs that they have to offer. If you are using them to find a job, then you will search these hashtags for listed jobs, apply to them, and proceed. You can even setup filters in Hootsuite to see whenever hashtags are posted, to make your search a little easier. If you’re not comfortable with this, you can simply login to Twitter and search for the hashtags in their search box.

For LinkedIn, you can use hashtags to search for job openings, but more importantly employers can search for job seekers by using those hashtags. You just put the hashtag in the search box at the top to find these. I know that this may seem overwhelming but I promise this will give you an advantage in your jobs search.

If you need coaching on any of this, Chapman Services Group (www.ChapmanServices.com) is equipped to make that happen for you.