Executive Biographies are written as a branded reflection of you, just as your resume was written and could be used in a multitude of areas to showcase your skills and attributes; including hobbies or personal information which would not be in your resume. You can use your Executive Biography as part of your online marketing efforts such as LinkedIn or FaceBook. An employer may also request your Executive Biography in addition to you resume for marketing purposes. Since an Executive Biography is as unique as you are, you elaborate:

  • Career Responsibility and Experience: While responsibilities may vary, share accomplishments that are reflective of your positions. What did you accomplish in past positions? What leadership positions were held? Showcase memberships within organizations and summarize the programs that were developed and launched. This is a great time to highlight specific milestones and any revenue increases brought forth by your efforts.
  • Education: Highlight your educational background and where you attended school. Be sure to add in any academic honors or advanced degrees, certifications or specialized training classes.